Isaiah 40:31
But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31

The difference between Eagles and Pigeons is that an Eagle can take flight and soar to higher altitudes, up to levels that are unimaginable.

The Eagle has what I call ENDURANCE FLIGHT and this is the trick it uses to fly higher than the Pigeon. The Eagle has a higher enduring capacity which can make it preserve and reserve energy in its wings while flying against any wind current.

In mid-air, if the wind blowing is unfavourable, the Eagle has the ability to sustain its flight and store the energy while still in the air until the wind current is just right for it to fly higher to another level above that wind current.

With this ability, the Eagle can endure any wind current while still in flight and soar higher when the timing is right.

The Pigeon, on the other hand, has a lower enduring capability. It’s wings are not strong enough to store up energy for a long time while in mid-air. While flying, it has to keep flapping its wings to stay afloat for a long time and because it’s wings are small, it cannot even soar high.

However, the Pigeon can travel long distances at a faster pace than the Eagle. Despite that though, it still cannot soar at the level of the Eagle.

If the God who created you is an Eagle ( Exodus 19:4, Deuteronomy 32:11), then as a Child of God, you are an Eagle too because you were created in the Father’s image.

You are an Eagle who can endure all circumstances and still store up the energy ( FAITH) to grow stronger and persevere until you win.

If you are an Eagle, you need to soar higher above the flight level of pigeons. Know who you are and don’t settle for less.


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